Mystery Rhino White
Mystery Rhino White
Mystery Rhino White is a fine-grained white marble with its origins in Africa. The crystalline white background emanates light glazes in grey or pastel yellow tones. The result is an exceptionally white marble that stands out for the subtle movement provided by its chromatic nuances.
The visual purity of Mystery Rhino White embellishes the environment while providing luminosity and sharpness. In its polished version, this white marble is unparalleled. It embellishes in bathrooms, kitchens, and other interior spaces of large residential and hotel projects.
The Mystery Rhino White marble is also translucent, making it highly valued by interior and lighting designers when creating backlit natural stone projects. It can be used for large format backlit cladding or smaller elements such as lamps or pieces of furniture.
TINO Natural Stone carries out premium projects with this excellent variety of marble in Panama, Santo Domingo, Europe, and the USA. Ask for the available finishes and sizes of the Mystery Rhino White marble. Check the maximum size per finish. For special finishes, please check availability and sizes.