Solution for marble oxidation
When a yellowish stain appears on a kitchen or bathroom countertop due to marble oxidation, the owner tends to think of irreparable damage. However, fortunately, there is a solution.
Also, we could be thinking that the piece of marble is defective, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Hereafter, we explain the main cause of marble oxidation and how we carry out its repair.
Causes of marble oxidation in a kitchen or bathroom countertop
Like all other natural stones, marble does not have the same level of compaction in all parts of the block or piece. In addition, every natural stone, even if they have a more or less uniform mineralogical composition, may contain micro-particles of metal that, no matter how small, may generate oxidation and stains.
If these metallic mini-veins are found in a less compacted area of the stone, precisely in that area where the marble gets wet, the hated stains due to marble oxidation may appear.
Daily exposure to moisture on a marble surface without additional protection will eventually cause stains to appear. Fortunately, there is a solution, if stains have already appeared on the surface.
Solution for marble oxidation stains
In the image above, we see a bathroom countertop made of Carrara white marble. The yellow stain covers one of the areas that is most exposed to daily humidity.
For this pathology, we prescribe hydrogen peroxide poultices formulated for this specific case, by TINO Natural Stone.
This type of treatment can only be carried out by a professional because it is necessary to calibrate the proportions according to each stone’s needs since a wrong formulation could damage the surface by eroding it, damaging it, or simply not removing the stain.
Prevention of yellow stains by oxidation on marble
We shall reduce the stone absorption capacity with an oil-hydrophilic treatment to protect the marble from future stains as much as possible.
TINO Stone Care, the division of TINO Natural Stone that cares for the health and maintenance of natural stone, has developed a product of these characteristics capable of minimizing the absorption of marble while respecting the permeability required.
To learn more about the stains caused by marble oxidation, contact us >